US DV Lottery 2026 | Green Card DV Lottery Registration

Green Card Lottery Formal Notice DV-2026 will be available on the site under Entrant Status Check from 8 of May to 30 of November to 2025 of the year. You will need a confirmation page number to access the Entrant Status Check section. The Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery makes 55,000 legal permanent resident (green card) visas available to nationals of countries which the USA considers to be under-represented in U.S. immigration. Anyone who is not from an excluded country can apply, whether they are currently residing outside the U.S. or inside the U.S. though some restrictions apply. The DV lottery is open to natives of countries that have historically low rates of immigration to the United States.
Official US Green Card Lottery 2026
The DV Lottery Program selects 55,000 people annually who can then pursue an immigrant visa at a U.S. embassy or consulate in their home country or adjust their status in the United States through the Department of Homeland Security (if a foreign national is residing legally in a nonimmigrant status in the United States at the time of the application). Although the current administration has stated its desire to eliminate the DV Lottery program, it will go forward this year. The Official America Government Diversity Visa Lottery Immigration and Naturalization program is chance to Live, Work and Study in USA, as well as bring your family and become a U.S. Citizen.
Registration For The DV-2026 Green Card Lottery
Green Card Lottery Formal Notice DV-2026 will be available on the site under Entrant Status Check from 8 of May to 30 of November to 2025 of the year. You will need a confirmation page number to access the Entrant Status Check section. Checking the Entrant Status Check section will be the only way to get information about the results of the lottery, the procedure for further actions in case of a win, and the appointment of the date and time of the interview for an immigrant visa. In addition, you must meet the education/work experience requirement of the DV program. Check with a qualified immigration attorney for details.
Currently Ineligible Countries for The Registration Year of 2026
DV 2026 Lottery Apply from here: Check if you are qualify for DV program
- India
- Philippines
- Mexico
- Jamaica
- Vietnam
- Nigeria
- South Korea
- Canada
- Brazil
- Colombia
- China (mainland only)
- Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
- Pakistan
- United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland)
- Guatemala
Haiti - Bangladesh
USA DV Lottery 2026 Registration Bangladesh
If you want to find out if your country is eligible, then you can find the official list for DV-2026 here. Just remember that eligibility is not fixed, and an eligible country this year may be ineligible the next.
How Can a Bangladeshi Citizen Apply For USA DV Lottery 2026?
In the Green Card Program of 2026 Bangladeshi citizen can’t apply directly for DV Lottery. But only people can apply whose spouse lives in the eligible country. USA DV Visa For Bangladesh. Have you been born in a country where the original citizens were ineligible, but where none of your parents were born or lived legally at the time of your birth? If yes, you can claim the country of birth of one of your parents if it is a country where its local citizens are eligible for the DV-2026 program.
The Diversity Visa program provides permanent resident visas to foreign citizens in countries with low immigration rates to the United States in the previous five years. Entering the Diversity Visa lottery (aka green card lottery) involves filling out a simple form online, and it doesn’t cost anything. You can enter the lottery every year from early October through early November. The winners are selected at random by a computer, and they and their immediate families receive green cards. The legal status of permanent residence in the USA is the middle of three stages on the way to being naturalized:{ 01Immigrant visa} {Permanent Residency with Green Card} (US citizenship).
Diversity Visa Lottery Cost
Registration is free for the green card lottery. However, if you’re selected and choose to apply for a Diversity Visa, you’ll need to pay the mandatory green card application fees.
Confirm Eligibility Before Your Visa Interview
The fees for your DV must be paid at the embassy or consulate prior to your interview. Before you do this, double check that you are still eligible for a DV, because the visa application fees are high and will not be refunded if you do not qualify. Start by checking the FAQ section of the DV instructions page. Primarily, applicants must meet the educational requirements of the visa and must not have criminal convictions that result in ineligibility. If unsure about whether you meet the minimum qualifications, an experienced U.S. immigration attorney can advise you.
Final Words:
While the likelihood of success is low, the Green Card Lottery serves as a beacon of hope for many aspiring immigrants, offering a unique opportunity to become permanent residents of the United States. Given the stringent timelines and specific eligibility requirements, understanding the process is crucial to increasing your chances of success.