RTHD Job Circular 2023 – rthd.teletalk.com.bd

The new job circular of Road Transport and Highways Division RTHD has been released today, those who have been waiting for the said job for a long time are finally getting a chance to apply. Complete details of how to apply online for the mentioned government jobs and prepare for the job will be given here.
Mainly, you should follow the circular given by Transport and Highways Division RTHD regarding job application process. So all the age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, and other information has been updated for everyone’s benefit, check if you are interested.
Road Transport and Highways Division Job Circular 2023
Nowadays it has become very difficult to engage in any government job in the job market, as there are millions of job candidates and it is impossible to get all the eligible candidates. However, there is no point in thinking more about it if you are eligible and selected through the recruitment test then you can get a job under Road Transport and Highways Division RTHD.
For now, we will not expand the discussion in this article on other topics, here only the circular pdf and detailed report on how to do the application process will be shown. Persons between 18 to 30 years of age are suitable for the said job and should have educational qualification.
Job Summary:
- Organization Name: Road Transport And Highways Division (RTHD)
- Total Vacancy: 34
- Application Link: Click here
- Application Start Date: 23 November 2023
- Application Last Date: 13 December 2023
As you can get job under road transport and highways department without any experience so be eligible for the mentioned jobs. More number of manpower will get job opportunities in this government department, so for everyone’s convenience Road Transport and Highways Division RTHD job circular is available on our website.
If you are interested for the mentioned job then please apply without delay. All district job aspirants can not apply online for Road Transport and Highways Division RTHD jobs the said circular details. Follow the circular now to know which district people can apply online for this job.
Last Words
Stay tuned to our website to get regular government job updates. If you have any feedback or query about this post then let us know, so don’t miss to share if you like the article.
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