Primary Scholarship Result 2023 – প্রাথমিক বৃত্তির রেজাল্ট

Directorate of Primary Education has given good news that Class 5 scholarship exam result will be published on 01 March 2023 all the students of Bangladesh visiting can find the desired result. Last December 30, 2022 primary Britti Porikkha was held, after a long month and a half the results have been prepared, the official announcement has come and the results will be released in the month of February.
If you are interested to know how we will discuss how everyone can get the primary scholarship exam result online, you can follow the article. Also you can directly visit here to get Class 5 Scholarship Exam Result by www as the authority will make it available online. The Directorate of Primary Education will be giving money to the students taking the Scholarship test in the new system which will benefit all the students who can pass.
DPE/Primary Britti Porikkha Result 2023
Primary scholarship exam result will be released on 01 March, we know it from various sources and we have provided the update through this article. This article is very important, definitely to get the result of class 5 scholarship exam using roll number only. We have already provided the official website link here. Generally most students don’t know how to get primary scholarship exam result online, if you follow this article well then you can easily get Britti Porikkha result without any trouble. The PSC scholarship result was supposed to be released in the second week of February but for some reason did not release, finally the primary education department will release the result on March 01.
www Dpe gov bd Primary Scholarship Result
PSC Scholarship Result 2023 is available via SMS and Online, get your result in the way you prefer, we have all the systems here. Directorate of Primary Education can upload scholarship exam result PDF on their website, you can download it if you want. In this article we will provide the Primary Britti Porikkha Result PDF, you can download it and know the result quickly. About 5 lakh students have participated in the primary scholarship examination of 2023. We have come to know through various reports, so if you are interested, read the information given in this post. Because if you don’t know the rules to get the result you can’t get the scholarship exam result online so you should search.
Breaking News: The result of the primary scholarship examination will be given between March 01, said Farid Ahmed, secretary of the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, in a press conference organized at the Secretariat on the initiatives and achievements of primary education.
PSC Britti Porikkha Result 2023
Through the official website primary scholarship result can be known using roll number. Moreover, all primary scholarship candidates of Bangladesh will be able to get the result through SMS system. Now the online facility is reaching all the countries and the result can be known by visiting the official website of the authorities sitting at home. That’s why students are always interested in online, because the result can be easily found using the roll number.
However, if you are a PSC Britti Porikkha aspirant then you are at the right place to get your result quickly. All the activities of the Directorate of Primary Education are very clear and the people of Bangladesh can trust them. PSC scholarship results have been prepared and will be available on the official website shortly, you can check the results using the roll number.
How to download Primary Scholarship Result 2023 Online?
- Select to the official website
- Firstly Select Examination (General Education)
- Select Your District.
- Then Select Your Thana
- Select Passing Year [2022]
- Type Roll No number
- Then Click “Submit” button and get your result.
The primary scholarship examination was closed for a long time, after a long suspension of 12 years, the PSC examination of 2022 has started in a new way, finally the results are going to be published, this is very happy news. Those students who are meritorious must get the scholarship as the Directorate of Primary Education evaluates the good students. Anyway if you can passed the scholarship exam, you can definitely get the money.
Directorate of Primary Education will pay more number of students to PSC scholarship candidates, check online now if primary scholarship result has been released we have given the link to check above. So, you can download Primary Scholarship Exam Result PDF through our website so you don’t need to go to any other website.
PSC Scholarship Result 2023 for Ebtedayi Students
EBT <space> Thana/Upazila Code <space> No. Roll Number <space> Exam Year and Send to 16222.
Example: EBT 1234 456789 2022.
Primary Scholarship Result PDF Download
About DPE / Primary Britti Porikkha Result 2023 we have presented all the documents on this website, there will be no problem to get the result. Now a lot of proof visitors are seen online class 5 person searching different websites to get result so want to give you proper idea no other way to get result other than through official website there is another method then SMS. For the convenience of PSC scholarship candidates of all districts of Bangladesh, we have provided the latest updates of Directorate of Primary Education on our website, please note the information carefully.
Because if you know all these documents, you can easily get the primary scholarship exam result 2023 online. We mainly publish news about results and other issues, you can visit daily to get updates. And if you have any special opinion about this post, please let us know as soon as possible, your words will be answered. If you like our result rules and updates here, don’t forget to share the article so that others can also see it. All the best for PSC scholarship 2022 candidates, definitely pass and get money.